Polarization in the Middle-East-Conflict

This article (Polarization in the Middle-East-Conflict) is a translation of a german blog-entry (deutsch): Polarisierung im Nahostkonflikt

Moral Confusion is inteded

The Middle-East-Conflict polarizes many people. In doing so, many seem to lose their moral compass. The reason for this is that conflict lines are misidentified. This does not happen without a reason. The reason for this strong polarization in the Middle-East-Conflict is that some actors in this conflict are very successful in masking the conflict lines in order to prevent a discussion of their methods, or in declaring them as adversary propaganda and thus undermining them.

Illustration to a blog article 'Polarization in the Middle-East-Conflict' | Hugins-Blog.deMoral Confusion

Read the complete article (in English): Weiterlesen

Peace for Israel-Palestine – A solution for the conflict in Middle East

This article (Peace for Israel-Palestine – A solution for the conflict in Middle East) is the translation of a german blog-entry (deutsch): Frieden für Israel – Palästina – Lösung des Nahostkonflikts

First of all, two remarks in advance. In the case of the Middle East conflict, many people adopt a very slanted view and attitude towards this conflict. So please read the following text in its entirety, before you, dear reader, put me on one of those sides. So please reconsider your judgment after reading the entire text.

I would also like to make it very clear and explicit, that I strongly condemn any form of terror, violation of physical integrity and unequal treatment on issues of human equality and dignity and on issues of civil equality.

Where to begin ? – About Injustice without Compensation

Considering the Middle East conflict shouldn’t begin with the actual founding act of the State of Israel, but with the examination of Zionism and the Holocaust. Nevertheless, I will name injustice and try to point out a way to resolve the conflict without further injustice.

Illustration to a blog article 'Peace for Israel' - Flag of Palestine overbrushed with the flag of Israel.Flag of Palestine overbrushed with the flag of Israel

Read more (in English): Weiterlesen